Thursday, July 22, 2010


Thursdays Class

Today we worked on the content for Year Twelve Economics focusing on Achievement Standard 2.1 Inflation, this was the standard i taught while i was out on practicum which was good because i was able understand the content that much better, and as we all know there is no better way to learn something then to teach it.

So is Inflation a Problem? How do we Measure Inflation? What Causes Inflation? What are the effects of Inflation?

those are the topics that we will discuss during our unit on Inflation, it is a very interesting topic and one which students can engage with as you can regale them with stories of the past or even use balloons, to show the difference between inflation, disinflation and deflation. there are many exciting activities you can use to enhance there learning, it doesn't just have to be all notes look for video clips on You Tube or Ted Talks. the more opportunities you can give the students the quicker they will pick it up. but remember that any test you set needs to be tailored around NCEA so they get an understanding on how to answer the questions and what to look for.

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