Thursday, July 22, 2010


Friday's Lesson

Today we spent most of our lesson talking about diversity in the classroom, this is a huge factor in education and one that sometimes gets ignored, as we often just claim that kids are Naughty and why cant they be like the studious ones.

So how can we cater to diverse learning needs? Will it require alot more work? how many hours do teachers really have in a day? well don't worry its possible to make some subtle changes that could mean a difference in getting across your content and message to your classroom. Take for example a demand curve, now you could just stand up and talk about it and get them to do exercises in there books until they get it, or maybe you could get them to do an exercise on the board, or use pipe cleaners, or in groups come up with a way to display the curve using them as the axis and the lines. there are multiple options that allow you too cater to varying needs within the classroom.

This is not always an easy task but if you can make changes to your routine and maybe even your philosophy of teaching you can succeed in this area. There are also other areas that you can use these involve music, mind mapping, the environment, time off day etc and remember always make sure you set the tone for your class welcome them with smiles and enthusiasm a student knows when you care.

We also touched on Boys in education, this was interesting and very relevant as often they are the ones that seem to be the naughtiest (generalisation i know) however we do need to be different with them give them opportunities to move around in class, it may involve writing on the board or races to complete work, boys thrive on competition and being active so let boys be boys and reap the rewards in your class. It may seem tough to achieve this in economics but I'm sure we can all find ways to bring in an element of mobility for young men, also remember to add a variety of activities, get them involved using simple methods (Videos, games, drawing etc) this will engage boys more with what you are doing.
check out the you Tube Link too.

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