Well week one flew buy, while i didn't do alot of teaching i got involved in my classes and tutor group and spent time getting to know a few names.
My classes are Financial Literacy Planning, Accounting 11 and 12 and Economics 11. i have found the students to be good and have enjoyed working with them to this point, the first thing that struck me about Howick was how different it was to my first practicum school, the staff room was smaller and each department had there own area which meant they didn't go up to the staff room that often, this also meant we seldom saw our other student teachers.
The other major difference for me at this point is i am less fearful of getting up in front of the class and i find that the flow is starting to get better, i still need to work on classroom management but that will come. One of my AT's is away this week so i am in charge of her classes its busy but will be rewarding.
that's all for now.